Written By Ben, Alex and Marie Kennedy
Illustrated By Meaghan Smith
A Book For Children
Forget – Me – Nots - A Lasting Symbol of Remembrance
According to one German legend, while God was naming all the plants, one tiny plant that was still unnamed called out to Him, saying, “Forget me not, O Lord!” In response, God named the plant with the very same words. ... He heard a tiny whisper saying, “Forget me not!” It came from none other than a tiny flower.
There are many associations and legends associated with this flower but one underlying theme is remembrance.
Illustrator Meaghan Smith chose to weave forget me knots throughout the whole story as a symbol of unity and remembrance. Each page has the flowers and it is a unifying thread from beginning to end.
By having this book published, my mom and her journey with Alzheimer’s will never be forgotten.
We will forget you not, Mom!